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CARe2018 HK Conference [Day 1] | Workshop 4 - Tertiary Climate Impacts & Public Policy
CARe2018 HK Conference [Day 1] | Panel 2: Climate Adaptation of Excessive Water Challenges
CARe2018 HK Conference [Day 1] | Workshop 2 - Excess Water Challenges
CARe2018 HK Conference [Day 1] | Workshop 1 - Climate "Extremes"
CARe2018 HK Conference [Day 1] | Panel 3: Resilience against Climate Extremes
CARe2018 HK Conference [Day 3] | 06 - Looking Forward by Prof Christine Loh
CARe2018 HK Conference [Day 2] | Workshop 1
CARE2018 Promo
Post-COP24 HK Forum | Engineering HK to a low carbon, smart & resilient city by Dr. Bruce Chong
Hong Kong Internet of Things Conference 2017 - Bruce Chong
Hong Kong Welcome Hub & Legal Workshop 英國東北地區香港BNO移民歡迎中心簡介會及法律工作坊
Workshop on ASEAN Online Dispute Resolution